梁祝 The Butterfly Lovers

香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

《梁祝》貴為中國四大民間傳說之一,2006年更列入為第一批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄。來自法國炙手可熱的鋼琴二重奏新星「耶提可二重奏」(Duo Jatekok) Duo Jatekok,夥拍本港著名沙畫藝術家海潮 海潮藝術工作室 的巧手,一起為這個中國民間傳說賦予新意。 The Butterfly Lovers is one of China’s Four Great Folktales. In 2006, it was inscribed in the first batch of The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China by the Ministry of Culture. Young and well-acclaimed French pianists Duo Jatekok will perform together with Hoi Chiu, the renowned […]

由威尼斯到凡爾賽 From Venice to Versailles

香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

斯塔茨曼 Nathalie Stutzmann 將率領法國知名的奧菲歐55室樂團 Orfeo 55,為觀眾帶來巴羅克時期的器樂和聲樂作品及現代音樂作品,古樂器及現代樂器均有用上。奧菲歐55室樂團的演出方式別樹一幟—斯塔茨曼同時擔任指揮和獨唱者。 Nathalie Stutzmann is leading Orfeo 55, a celebrated French ensemble performing instrumental and vocal works of baroque and modern repertoires, both on period and modern instruments. Performances by Orfeo 55 follow a unique format with Stutzmann in two roles— as conductor and vocal soloist.

重塑《魔笛》 Reinventing the Magic Flute

香港大會堂 愛丁堡廣場五號, Central District, Hong Kong

莫扎特歌劇《魔笛》在維也納首演十年後,才第一次在法國出現,改稱為《埃及女神伊西斯之謎》(Isis’ Mysteries)。此名稱一方面標示作品中的共濟會特色,另一方面反映當時巴黎的古埃及熱潮。正是在這個環境下,一位不記名的法國作曲家把《魔笛》的序曲及最有名的詠嘆調改編給弦樂四重奏。我們將邀請扎伊德四重奏 Quatuor Zaïde為我們重塑經典《魔笛》。 The Magic Flute was first performed in France under the title Isis’ Mysteries in 1801, ten years after the Vienna premiere. The title referred to the work’s masonic character and reflected the prevailing interest in Ancient Egypt at that time in Paris. This was the context that brought an anonymous French […]

Le French May: Sarabande

上環文娛中心劇院 Sheung Wan Civic Centre Theatre 香港皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈5樓, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Three of the famous Suites for cello of J.S. Bach played by Noémi Boutin, interlaced in the extraordinary juggleries of Jörg Müller, outstanding Circassian artist who reconciles a pure physical performance with theatre, dance and contemporary art. Sarabande is a triptych rhythmed by the famous Suites for Cello of J.S Bach, No. 1, 3, and […]

貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 François-Frédéric Guy Plays Beethoven

香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

法國鋼琴大師紀弗朗 François-Frédéric Guy對德奧浪漫風格作品之詮釋早成為偉大的典範,在演繹貝多芬的作品方面毫無疑問更是獨具匠心,2017/2018樂季大師走訪巴黎、華盛頓、首爾及南美多個城市等演奏貝多芬的鋼琴奏鳴曲全集及全套協奏曲,好評如潮。大師首度訪港,將與香港國際指揮大賽出爐冠軍卡利及 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團演奏貝多芬的第三鋼琴協奏曲,樂曲充滿壯麗的氣魄,緩板浪漫典雅,顯露貝多芬漸趨成熟的寫作風格。 Described as a “hair-raising tour de force” by BBC Music Magazine, François-Frédéric Guy is widely regarded as a specialist of Beethoven, a pianist revered for his approach and technique towards German romantics. He has made appearances in prestigious festivals such as the Beethovenfest Bonn, Chopin Festival in Warsaw […]

沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲 Adrien La Marca Plays Walton Viola Concerto

香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

法國中提琴家拉•馬爾卡 Adrien La Marca2014年榮獲法國古典音樂大獎的年度新人獎項,樂評讚揚他為中提界的新英雄,音樂界的天之驕子。他首次來港,將與 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團於法國五月藝術節中炫技,演奏英國作曲家沃爾頓的中提琴協奏曲,他亦是憑此樂曲贏得2012年國際普林羅絲大賽的最佳演繹獎。 Named “Révélation Soliste Instrumental de l’Année” at the 2014 Victoires de la Musique Classique, Adrien La Marca has established himself as one of the most exciting rising stars in the classical music scene. Having performed in prestigious venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Konzerthaus Berlin and Concertgebouw […]

玫瑰人生 La Vie en Rose

向法國香頌天后琵雅芙致敬 香頌音樂劇回味法國歌后感慨又傳奇的一生!演出由尼斯的劇壇鬼才吉爾 · 馬薩拉 (Gil Marsalla) 構思兼執導,並由安妮 ‧ 卡赫 (Anne Carrere) 主演。法國年輕演員卡赫,憑其歌藝被譽為伊蒂 · 琵雅芙 (Edith Piaf) 當之無愧的繼承人。是次演出受到描寫琵雅芙生平的獲獎電影《玫瑰人生》啟發,特意向這位被喻為「蒙馬特小麻雀」致敬。演出包括兩段45分鐘的節目,通過這位巴黎歌手的職業生涯,敘述她由潦倒至成名的故事,同場更投影出一些從未公開的舊照片,是她那時代巴黎著名地點的珍貴圖像。 Tribute to Edith Piaf Chanson Musical recalls an iconic French cabaret singer’s legendary life! Conceived and directed by the Nice-based theatrical maverick Gil Marsalla and starring Anne Carrere, a young French performer hailed as “Edith Piaf’s legitimate musical […]

色士寧人 Saxiland

香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

銅光泛音,清耳悅心;裊裊餘韻,色士寧人。法國首屈一指的哈巴涅拉色士風四重奏將與香港城巿室樂團 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong聯手獻藝。這場音樂會是法國五月藝術 節特備節目。既有法國音樂,亦有土耳其作品,還有充滿探戈色彩的音樂瑰寶。曲目包括費利•費蘭充滿浪漫感的《色士寧人》、皮亞梭拉那煙霧迷濛散發著性感、為室樂團而寫的三首樂曲,以及費茲•薩爾為色士風四重奏及弦樂組而寫、帶著異國風情的四首前奏曲。如此豐富的音樂盛宴,您又怎能錯過? Step into Saxiland and revel in a new sound world as Habanera, France’s leading saxophone quartet, joins forces with City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong for an exhilarating evening of French, Turkish and Tango inspired music. The programme features the Romance of Ferran’s Saxiland, the smoky, sexy […]