Supported by the French GourMay, it is the one and only major festival in Hong Kong and Macau dedicated to gastronomy à la française, organised under the umbrella of French May Arts Festival. French cuisine is one of the few UNESCO-listed culinary cultures. Each year, we celebrate the unique culinary treasure in collaboration with one French region. French sparkling wines have been served to mark memorable events – birthday, graduation, marriage, party etc, and is the theme for this year’s French GourMay.
Therefore in the French Bubble Market, you will find a large number of sparkling wines from France, including Champagne, crémants from Alsace, Loire, Bourgogne. There will also be snacks like ham, cheese, and also handcraft workshop. Besides, everyday at 3pm, there will be a movie screening at the outdoor giant screen! Enjoy movie with great drinks and food in a French way.
屆時「法國氣泡市集」將雲集多個國際知名的品牌,包括香檳界中的低調貴族Ayala、暢銷世界各地的Baron Fuente、近年大熱的香檳新貴Barons de Rothschild、英國皇室御用的香檳酒商Bollinger、香檳王Dom Pérignon、口感優雅具風土特色見稱的Franck Bonville、以生產最精緻及高品質香檳為目標的Gonet-Medeville、成立接近280年的Moët & Chandon、法國銷量排行第一的Nicolas Feuillatte、香檳帶有特別果香的Paul Bara、口感細膩持久的Perlage、開創輝煌釀酒歷史的Philipponnat、世界三大香檳品牌之一的Piper-Heidsieck、香檳品牌始祖Ruinart、香檳酒體豐滿札實的Soutiran,以及被譽為「香檳貴婦」的Veuve Clicquot。除了香檳,當然不少得女生至愛的Rosé,多次於世界葡萄酒比賽奪獎的Berne、普羅旺斯粉紅酒的王者Château d’Esclans和新興精品酒莊Château Leoube將帶來多款Rosé,屆時大家可於草地上品嚐美美的粉紅酒。此外,讓調酒師愛不釋手且產量珍貴的品牌St. Germain亦會現身,只要加上蘇打水,即帶來另一風味的法式氣泡酒。
For Cyberport fans, you could enjoy 2 glasses of sparkling wines at the French Market upon spending in any outlets of Cyberport by showing your receipt of the same day!
Besides shopping, sampling of sparkling wines at the market, you could also pre-order a full set of picnic hamper to enjoy once you arrive.